Rosette Nebula
The Great Orion Nebula
Orion and the Running Man
Eagle Nebula - Pillars of Creation
Elephant Trunk Nebula
M3 Globular Cluster
Horsehead and Flame - starless
Horsehead and Flame in H-alpha
North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula
Saturn 2021-07-31
Jupiter 2021-07-24
Eastern Veil Nebula
Western Veil Nebula
Earth's Moon 2021-01-27
Moon Rising 2004-01-10
Belt and Sword of Orion 2003
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy (plus M32 and M110) 2003
Veil Nebula 2003
The Great Orion Nebula 2003
Five and a half day old Moon